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This is a static archive the Twin Cities Carry forum, maintained as a public service by the current forum of record, The Minnesota Carry Forum.

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Forum locked Introduction (Start here)

An introduction to the Twin Cities Carry Forum



Fri Oct 24, 2008 9:40 am

Andrew Rothman View the latest post

Forum locked Questions about this forum

Ask technical, procedural or policy questions here.



Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:19 pm

Hunter07 View the latest post

Forum locked Newbie Corner

New to the Forum? Whether or not you're new to firearms and carry permits, this is the place to start. Here, you'll get invariably friendly responses to the questions that the folks who have been around have been asked half a gazillion times, and you'll learn why part of the price of admission to the Forum for those folks who have carry permits is being willing to answer the all-too-familiar question: "And just who was your instructor?"



Tue Nov 01, 2011 6:57 pm

matblinks View the latest post

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This is a static archive the Twin Cities Carry forum, maintained as a public service by the current forum of record, The Minnesota Carry Forum.

All times are UTC - 6 hours

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