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This is a static archive the Twin Cities Carry forum, maintained as a public service by the current forum of record, The Minnesota Carry Forum.

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Forum locked Deals

Find a good price or a sale on fireearms or related items? This is the place to share the wealth!



Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:32 am

joelr View the latest post

Forum locked Scams

There's a fair number of folks out on the Internet looking to scam other folks on the Internet. This members-only Forum isn't intended to wise up the public, but only for Forum members to alert each other to scams relevant to gun stuff.



Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:54 pm

Big and Tasty View the latest post

This is a static archive the Twin Cities Carry forum, maintained as a public service by the current forum of record, The Minnesota Carry Forum.

All times are UTC - 6 hours

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