Twin Cities Carry Forum Archive

How many states reconize your training?
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Author:  cobb [ Sat Jan 21, 2006 1:07 pm ]
Post subject:  How many states reconize your training?

I was doing some checking using as the source of links to different state's permit to carry law to try to figure out how many states would recognize my permit to carry training for permits in their states. Being a NRA certified personal protection and pistol instructor, having my training organization "River Valley Training" certified by the state of Minnesota, and I should be good to go with Utah soon, I see that I can do approved training for Minnesota, Utah, and Florida, which gives me 32 states.

The reason I got on this was because of the differences that I see in the offerings of different instructors. One is an instructor that is certified by Minnesota, Utah and being a NRA instructor would give him Florida also. These 3 state's permits are recognized by a total of 32 states, which include Minnesota, or I can word it as Minnesota and 31 additional states. This instructor states that his training is recognized Minnesota, but also permits to carry in up to 29 other states, not 31. :wink: :wink:

So I look a little further and I believe my training is recognized for both non resident and resident permits by Connecticut, Oregon, and Virginia. So if I am reading things right, that takes me up to 35 states, which I would think would do the same for a lot of the instructors and organizations that post here. I can include Montana, West Virginia, and Wyoming to my list for residents of those states. I have no idea why a Montana resident would be sitting in on my class given in Minnesota, but I think it would qualify for him.

Now the gray area states for either non resident or resident permits are Colorado, Maine, Nevada, New Mexico and Ohio. They say training, but don't specify what, such as a NRA class taught by a NRA certified instructor.

Vermont law is pretty straight forward, but Alaska law is a little less clear, at least for me, if they recognize non resident's carrying or not, they say anyone that can legally carry a firearm can, they don't distinguish between resident or non resident, so my assumption would be that non residence can.

New Hampshire is simple, all you have to do is have a permit to carry from your state of residence, such as for us, Minnesota and they issue you a non resident permit from New Hampshire which is recognized by 18 states.

Other states won't recognize your training for several reasons such as, it has to be administer within their state, or you have to submit your course outline, etc.

Anyway, do you know how many states recognize the training you offer? I know that people are not going to go out and apply in some of the limited recognition states to carry in 35 states that possibly recognize my training, but with Minnesota, New Hampshire, Florida, and possibly Utah, they are good in 31-32 states.

Who will be the first to point out the errors in my thinking? :oops: 8)

Author:  cobb [ Sun Jan 22, 2006 5:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

I see someone took heed of my state count. 8)

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