Twin Cities Carry Forum Archive

TCC Breakfast for March
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Author:  Widge [ Sat Feb 24, 2007 7:25 am ]
Post subject: 

A Brit in MN wrote:
Selurcspi wrote:
Widge wrote:
My 2 cents worth:

I won't be driving 4 hours (give or take) for breakfast, no matter how good the food is. With return travel that's a whole day on the road (and a tank and a half of gas) for maybe an hour and a half of good conversation. I just can't justify the time and expense.

I realize this forum is metro-centered, and I knew that when I signed up, but there seems to be quite a few of us in the outstate area who are getting left out due to everything revolving around the Cities.

The occasional foray into the wild wouldn't hurt you city slickers any and might bump the membership up some and make it feel a little bit more inclusive.

Now, if these shindigs included a day at the range or something, I could see making a day or an overnight stay of it might work.

And that's all I have to say on this subject.


Once the snow is off the ground, we should get together in Hutchinson with Brit and e5usmc and a few others for a day of burning powder.
Let's think about a Saturday in April!
:D :D :D :D :D :D

Are the red coats optional

Yes, but Union Flag undercrackers are mandatory.


Author:  BigRobT [ Sat Feb 24, 2007 11:34 am ]
Post subject: 

St Cloud might not be too bad for a get together once in a while. There are ranges nearby. (No indoor ones that I know of). Perhaps one in Brainerd once a year ??

Author:  Selurcspi [ Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

To all fellow Brits and ex ones.

If were really serious about shooting in April, I think we had better invite some of the other guys. It's the only way to keep them from talking about us behind our backs.

I'm not sure, but I might be able to arrange a steel shoot, just for funsies and if we invite some others we could make it for honour as well.

I'm thinkin the last Saturday in April.........Should I look into making arrangements with my club?
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Wellies on!

Author:  Jeff Bergquist [ Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

I like PJs and don't mind driving a while to get there. In fact anywhere in the metro area is ok with me. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the food at the Crystal OCB breakfast.

Selurcspi, I would be interested in joining you folks for a shoot, but I'll still reserve the right to talk behind your backs. :lol:

Author:  Selurcspi [ Sat Feb 24, 2007 2:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jeff Bergquist wrote:
I like PJs and don't mind driving a while to get there. In fact anywhere in the metro area is ok with me. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the food at the Crystal OCB breakfast.

Selurcspi, I would be interested in joining you folks for a shoot, but I'll still reserve the right to talk behind your backs. :lol:

I'm going to start another thread for the range get together to avoid any more confusion with the monthly breakfast thread.

Jeff, BTW :P :P :P :D

Author:  DieselDood [ Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Here is my .02.

I run a Diesel truck club for the area. We've got memebers from Illinois to Canada. And yes, some have driven that far just for a few buffalo wings and a BS session. SD, ND, IA and WI plates are not uncommon at these meets. We have one meet a year that is up in Superior Wi. Typically we have 40+ people at even our just BS wings and things get togethers. BUT....that Superior meet is usually around 20. Why? Because there aren't that many of us who can spend the day on the road, burning that much fuel.

Sorry out staters, but that's kind of the way it is. To move outstate for a few is loosing the many.

I don't have a suggestion for a Breakfast location. I'm usually still in bed at those times....or I'm taking care of my daughter.


Author:  cmj685 [ Mon Mar 05, 2007 10:31 am ]
Post subject: 

I would love a north location and would definitely do whatever I could to be there. I just can't justify the long drive to the west now. In fact, if some were interested in meeting on another day up north (say, a Friday or Monday morning) I would even do a little scouting and arranging. PM me if interested in a non-weekend day. I know there are some of us who do not need to confine the meetings only to the weekend...and some who can't make a weekend at all. We wouldn't necessarily have to have a big group.
I think rotating a large group location may be the wrong idea--more choices means more participation, I think. Hold a northern group and a western group...and a southern group and eastern group too, wherever and whenever we can get a few together. It makes it much easier on the restaurant if we don't have a huge group, and smaller gatherings mean more time to get to know each other. And the more choices people have, the more opportunity to fit it into their schedules.
Anyway, put me down as interested in a north/northeast location!

Author:  W0THK [ Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

There seems to be plenty of general interest in a Northern location for the next TCC breakfast, but no specifics. The March date is the 17th, and since we're starting to get close to the date, we need to start making some plans. If someone has a location, or better yet - has contacts at a possible location, now is the time to bring it up! If there are no solid plans within the next several days, we'll probably want to go back to PJ's this month and reexamine options for next month.

Mpls, MN

Author:  Selurcspi [ Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

W0THK wrote:
There seems to be plenty of general interest in a Northern location for the next TCC breakfast, but no specifics. The March date is the 17th, and since we're starting to get close to the date, we need to start making some plans. If someone has a location, or better yet - has contacts at a possible location, now is the time to bring it up! If there are no solid plans within the next several days, we'll probably want to go back to PJ's this month and reexamine options for next month.

Mpls, MN

How about one of you guys in the north volunteering to be the host of this month's breakfast? Someone has to do the legwork, so if we're going to come up there, let's see some northern initiative instead of whinging!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Author:  cmj685 [ Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am completely (and unusually) tied up all this week. I won't be available until Sunday night and that would probably put us too close to the date to find accommodations and get them published in time. But if someone else can do it this time, and there is interest in a north meeting on a regular basis, I would be glad to do some scouting before April and find out what we have. There is a reasonably large Perkins on 694 and Lexington (Shoreview) which is convenient to the freeway. We were actually there for breakfast two or three Saturdays ago and they were surprisingly unbusy at that time. If you wanted to take it down south a little to Roseville, there are a ton of restaurants down there around Rosedale, (which is actually probably more central than north). I don't know how many are open for breakfast and can handle large groups which is, again, why I would say we ought to break up into smaller geographic groups on a regular basis and get together as a large group only occasionally.

Author:  W0THK [ Mon Mar 05, 2007 3:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

There seems to be plenty of general interest in a Northern location for the next TCC breakfast, but no specifics. The March date is the 17th, and since we're starting to get close to the date, we need to start making some plans. If someone has a location, or better yet - has contacts at a possible location, now is the time to bring it up! If there are no solid plans within the next several days, we'll probably want to go back to PJ's this month and reexamine options for next month.

Mpls, MN

Author:  plblark [ Mon Mar 05, 2007 3:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

OK, The Shoreview Perkins can handle us.

3855 Lexington Ave N
St Paul, MN
(651) 482-9234

10am - Noon Saturday March 17th.
Chuck is the manager and I spoke to Jenny
Their number is 651-482-9234
Jenny said they'd like a confirmation on numbers 2 days to a week before hand. I mentioned 20-25 people but said we have had as few as 7 and as many as 37.

I <strike>cannot attend and so probably shouldn't coordinate</strike> MAY be able to attend and but figured I'd make a call and find out what was involved. ( I asked for the day off and it turns out we're having breakfast... wonder what the Wife will think of it?)

I made the reservation under TCC with Jenny and need to call her and tell her if it's a go in the next couple days then with a number by the 14th.

we don't HAVE to go with this, this is just an option.

Author:  plblark [ Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:18 am ]
Post subject: 

thoughts? opinions?

Author:  W0THK [ Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:25 am ]
Post subject: 

plblark wrote:
thoughts? opinions?

Works for me! Thanks for the effort, Paul! If you can make the advance arrangements, I can show up early and check us in, if you're not able to make it.

Any objections to this location??

Mpls, MN

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