Twin Cities Carry Forum Archive

Court decision in Duluth
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Author:  SultanOfBrunei [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:05 am ]
Post subject: 

DeanC wrote:
SultanOfBrunei wrote:
What is the next step for this case?

Let's sit down and have a few drinks and discuss it?

I only drink at strip clubs. :wink:

Author:  Ronin069 [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:44 am ]
Post subject: 

sheepdog wrote:
If the guy would've just kept his mouth shut, none of this would've happened.

as a disclaimer: yes, I do not understand the laws well enough to have an opinion on the legal aspects of this case, but...

So dad loves to ask me in a sometimes too public voice, "are you packin?" when we go out to dinner/events/etc. I usually shrug my shoulders and answer with a non-committal "hope not." No need to draw unnecessary attention to myself or the group that I am with.

I do not know the gentleman from Duluth, but grew up in Duluth and feel that gives me the right to make the following statement: Many, not all, Duluthians have a small-town mentality and love for people to know how important they are - this includes trying to "bond" with an off-duty cop by mentioning that they are carrying a gun.

Regrettably I put my own father into this category and find myself on higher alert when with him because of what he might say too loud after a few beverages. Sigh...

Author:  Judge [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Regrettably I put my own father into this category and find myself on higher alert when with him because of what he might say too loud after a few beverages. Sigh...

Your lucky. My Dad doesn't need to drink anything to make a comment like that. When he found out I got my permit to carry, his first question was "Who are you after?"

Author:  bkrafft [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 12:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ronin069 wrote:
So dad loves to ask me in a sometimes too public voice, "are you packin?" when we go out to dinner/events/etc.

I suppose since it is your dad you can't use my technique. When some (especially a female) anti asks if I'm carrying a weapon I ask "So do you enjoy anal sex?" As the sputtering and gasping subsides I will add that if s/he refrains from asking me impertinent and invasive questions I will return the courtesy. Not the most politic of techniques, but viscerally satisfying.

Author:  Jeremiah [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

bkrafft wrote:
Ronin069 wrote:
So dad loves to ask me in a sometimes too public voice, "are you packin?" when we go out to dinner/events/etc.

I suppose since it is your dad you can't use my technique. When some (especially a female) anti asks if I'm carrying a weapon I ask "So do you enjoy anal sex?" As the sputtering and gasping subsides I will add that if s/he refrains from asking me impertinent and invasive questions I will return the courtesy. Not the most politic of techniques, but viscerally satisfying.

And that, Bruce, is what I love about you- your sense of tact and class... :wink:

Author:  Macx [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Jeremiah wrote:
bkrafft wrote:
Ronin069 wrote:
So dad loves to ask me in a sometimes too public voice, "are you packin?" when we go out to dinner/events/etc.

I suppose since it is your dad you can't use my technique. When some (especially a female) anti asks if I'm carrying a weapon I ask "So do you enjoy anal sex?" As the sputtering and gasping subsides I will add that if s/he refrains from asking me impertinent and invasive questions I will return the courtesy. Not the most politic of techniques, but viscerally satisfying.

And that, Bruce, is what I love about you- your sense of tact and class... :wink:

I considered us friends before, though I have only met you the once in person. Now, moreso. Well said! regradless of how one feels either pro or con about anal sex, it isn't the kind of thing to talk about casually or openly. . . that'd be a private matter just like carry. Conversation about it is only acceptable in the same contexts. I like the analogy, but wouldn't have thought of it. Thanks.

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