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DC vs Heller oral arguments
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Author:  ruffelo [ Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Does anybody know if these court proceedings will be available for download anywhere tonight (at work now :( )? Video would be great!

A rebroadcast tonight would also be just fine (DVR's...aren't they great)

Author:  Lawyer_in_Training [ Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:11 pm ]
Post subject: has a link to the audio in their Supreme Court page. It is probably also going to be available elsewhere.

No cameras are allowed in the Court so there won't be video of the arguments.

C-Span's RealPlayer link to the arguments

Author:  Lenny7 [ Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Scott Hughes wrote:
Not to drift the thread Lenny7, but I always (strongly) recommend this for some context of minorities and 2A.

Thanks for the link, Scott, I'll check it out.

Author:  KonaSeven [ Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

proceedings word count : reasonable

Must have been in the thousands.

Author:  Lenny7 [ Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm not too crazy about Bob Levy (council for Heller) talking about how gun registration might be acceptable as a reasonable restriction on guns. This is the after-hearing interviews on the steps outside and doesn't mean anything in this case, but it still is irritating.

Author:  Dick Unger [ Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

They want an individual right established. If that happens we can argue registration schemes one by one. Registration was not before the court so it was a throwaway issue.

Author:  Lawyer_in_Training [ Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Oral Arguments Transcripts

Here is the Supreme Court transcript of the oral argument:

Hat tip: SCOTUS Blog

Author:  jdege [ Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lenny7 wrote:
I'm not too crazy about Bob Levy (council for Heller) talking about how gun registration might be acceptable as a reasonable restriction on guns. This is the after-hearing interviews on the steps outside and doesn't mean anything in this case, but it still is irritating.

Gura said something similar, in the orals:

JUSTICE GINSBURG: What about this very law?

If you take out the ban -- there is a law on the books. It's one of the ones that you challenged. It's section 22-4504(a). Wouldn't that be okay -- would that be okay? It says that you have to have a license to carry.

MR. GURA: So long as the licensing law is not enforced in an arbitrary and capricious manner, so long as there are some hopefully objective standards and hopefully some process for --

JUSTICE GINSBURG: It just says -- it says you have to get a license if you want to possess a gun. What kind of standard? It just says you have to have a license.

MR. GURA: Well, the government could set reasonable standards for that, Your Honor. The government could require, for example, knowledge of the State's use of force laws. They can require some sort of vision test. They could require, perhaps, demonstrated competency. And those are the types of things that we sometimes see; background checks, of course. Those are going to be reasonable licensing requirements.

However, if the license requirement is we only wanted to give licenses to people who look a certain way or depends on how we feel or if the licensing office is only open Thursdays at 3:00 in the morning -- I mean, it all depends on the implementation.

And I think he's exactly right. I have may question whether registration or licensing actually accomplishes very much, but the fundamental problem with them is in their abusive implementation. My position would be that the history of firearms registration in this country shows so great a pattern of abuse that they should be treated as suspect in all cases, just like poll taxes are. But that they have been frequently abused does not imply that they must of necessity be abusive.

Author:  Lenny7 [ Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Now on CSPAN they're broadcasting a hearing with the Court of Appeals on indecency rules. It's pretty humorous to hear a suited lawyer saying "f***" and "s***" to a judge. :lol:

Author:  Sixstring [ Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lenny7 wrote:
Now on CSPAN they're broadcasting a hearing with the Court of Appeals on indecency rules. It's pretty humorous to hear a suited lawyer saying "f***" and "s***" to a judge. :lol:

Yeah. I'm catching some of that. Pretty funny.

Author:  Andrew Rothman [ Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

27, according to the transcript. :)

KonaSeven wrote:
proceedings word count : reasonable

Must have been in the thousands.

Author:  plblark [ Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

Mr. Gura: It's difficult to imagine a construction of Miller, or a construction of the lower court's opinion, that would sanction machine guns or the plastic, undetectable handguns that the Solicitor General spoke of.

WHAT totally plastic undetectable handguns?

Author:  mrokern [ Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

plblark wrote:
Mr. Gura: It's difficult to imagine a construction of Miller, or a construction of the lower court's opinion, that would sanction machine guns or the plastic, undetectable handguns that the Solicitor General spoke of.

WHAT totally plastic undetectable handguns?

Must be part of the same unobtainable Glock line as those ceramic ones from Die Hard 2. :roll:


Author:  KonaSeven [ Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Andrew Rothman wrote:
27, according to the transcript. :)

KonaSeven wrote:
proceedings word count : reasonable

Must have been in the thousands.

per person? heh heh

Such as "shall not be unreasonably infringed."

Perhaps when saying "thousands", I was engaging in hyperbole? :) :shock: :Gasp:
I hate it when that happens.

Author:  plblark [ Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here's a link to the audio:
rtsp:// ... endment.rm

There are some VERY comforting arguments floating around. Some good leading questions by the justices. the SG emphasized the individual right much more strongly than the scrutiny side.

Mr. Gura made a lot of coherent arguments

Roberts: these standards that apply in the First Amendment just kind of developed over the years as sort of baggage that the First Amendment picked up. But I don't know why when we are starting afresh, we would try to articulate a whole standard that would apply in every case?

JUSTICE KENNEDY: Well, you're being faithful to Miller. I suggest that Miller may be deficient.
MR. GURA: I agree with Your Honor

JUSTICE SOUTER: Well, can they consider the extent of the murder rate in Washington, D.C., using handguns?
MR. GURA: If we were to consider the extent of the murder rate with handguns, the law would not survive any type of review, Your Honor.
JUSTICE SCALIA: All the more reason to allow a homeowner to have a handgun.
MR. GURA: Absolutely, Your Honor.

MR. GURA: [...] the object of the Bill of Rights is to remove certain judgments from the legislature, because we can make policy arguments, normative arguments about many provisions of the Constitution. But to make those arguments and say, well, we've decided as a matter of policy that the right to keep and bear arms is no longer a good idea and, therefore, we are going to have restrictions that violate that stricture in the Bill of Rights, that shouldn't pass judicial review. At some point you have to go to Article 5 if you think that the Constitution is impractical.

And they're rightly beating up Mr. Dellinger on how long it takes to operate a trigger lock and make a gun suitable for personal defense.

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