Twin Cities Carry Forum Archive

Why is everyone hung up on "Printing"
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Author:  Selurcspi [ Fri Mar 31, 2006 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Why is everyone hung up on "Printing"


I have carried since about two weeks after the original law was passed, using a number of different holsters until I found the most comfortable one for each gun that I carry. One thing I have noticed is the on one notices when you are carrying. I’ve wandered around all kinds of places with the butt of a 1911 bumping through the back of my jacket and my wife is all paranoid about it, but no one else seems to see any thing.

My theory is two fold, one adding to the other:
First, we carry all kinds of things around with us these days, phones, PDAs, big bunches of keys, you name it you will see it on someone’s belt (particularly guys). Because these ugly lumps are commonplace on our bodies, no one sees them any more.
Second, no one pays any attention to other people around them. It seems that about 95% of the populace is in “condition white”; they are going about their business without paying any attention to anyone else. Worse yet, we have become so paranoid about offending others that we deliberately avoid looking at anyone.

Try this little experiment, when you’re walking down the street or through a mall and when you pass a person on their own (don’t just choose floor watchers, that’s too easy), say “Hi, good morning/afternoon” or whatever is appropriate and keep on walking. The first thing you will notice is they must change their view from where they were either deliberately keeping it or their where their mind was wandering, on to you. Look in their eyes and see if you can see the emotion. I’ve done this a number times in that last couple of weeks and I’d say about half the time you see the “deer in the headlights” panic, about another quarter of the time the look is shock and of the remainder all but a few show confusion. This last group is just surprised that someone has spoken to them because no one ever does and they stumble through a Hi, return greeting. The few (if you have been honest in your choices) will have been watching you as you approach and will return the greeting without being phased at all.

So my theory is that I can select any method of carry I choose and if the gun butt is covered, almost no one will be any the wiser. This has allowed me to be much more relaxed when carrying while walking around the town, which takes my mind off the gun and lets it scan the world so I am aware of what’s going on.

As a comment on the public awareness of open carry, I believe to a large extent my thoughts are also pertinent. People don’t see because they’re not looking. But we must be aware that some people will see and could give us more attention than we want, we should be judicious about the times we carry in the open.



Author:  Rem700 [ Fri Mar 31, 2006 10:19 am ]
Post subject: 

I want as much surprise factor as possible :wink:

Author:  Andrew Rothman [ Fri Mar 31, 2006 11:04 am ]
Post subject: 

You're right, both about general cluelessness and about the cel phone factor.

It's a good practice to try to avoid flashing or printing, but it's more often for political or interpersonal reasons than for safety reasons.

Author:  White Horseradish [ Fri Mar 31, 2006 1:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's a mental thing. Read "The Telltale Heart" lately?

A concealed gun makes people feel a bit different (especially if they haven't carried long) and they think everyone else feels that too.

Author:  Brewman [ Fri Mar 31, 2006 3:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Is it not true that in some states (Not MN), that only allow concealed carry, and that printing could be a criminal offense?

I agree with the original poster. I bet the average joe isn't paying all that much attention. I've carried openly on rare occasion, and didn't generate any comments. I could probably put a small toilet plunger in a holster and nobody would notice.

I wear my deputy reserve uniform, which looks almost like the county deputy uniform, except that I'n not carrying a gun, and have patches on my shoulder that say "Reserve Deputy".
People never notice that stuff- we get mistaken for licensed PD all the time. They see what their brain tells them to see.

Author:  1911fan [ Sun Apr 09, 2006 9:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here it is not big deal, but in some states, printing is seen as brandishing. It can even cause you to lose your card. trying to find the states but I am on another forum and there a guy stood up at a diner and his gun was exposed and he got nailed for it, one year revocation trying to find the posting to link here

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