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 Cops attack Paramedic 
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 Post subject: Cops attack Paramedic
PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 11:49 am 
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 12:00 pm 
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I hope the patient sues the shit out of the AWAB (asshole with a badge) for delaying medical care. I'm sure a lawyer can find some way to bring a suit...

This is what happens when you don't spend enough time hiring police officers who actually give a shit, and focus on those who get their rocks off on the authority.


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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 4:58 pm 
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hard to listen to. But it seems as though as soon as the black EMT says felony at about 2:31 or so the OHP immediately releases his hand from the guy's throat.

molan labe

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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 11:31 pm 
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This reminds me of the fire captain that was arrested by a highway patrol officer. The police definitely need to get their act together, or get the boot like this officer did.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:06 pm 
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Ah yes,
Contempt of cop: the Unpardonable Sin. :roll:

It's not always easy these days to tell which of our two major political parties is the Stupid Party and which is the Evil Party...
But it remains true that from time to time they collaborate on something that's both stupid and evil and call it bipartisanship. -Thomas E. Woods Jr.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:12 pm 
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Every time I see someone like this, I think of how hard I worked to become a cop, and how many other people are out there working hard to become cops, and I think, why did they hire this person instead?

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:16 pm 
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Erik_Pakieser wrote:
Every time I see someone like this, I think of how hard I worked to become a cop, and how many other people are out there working hard to become cops, and I think, why did they hire this person instead?

I came to the job with the temparement and attitude that it took many of the people I work with years to develop.

I don't understand the illogic of it.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 4:16 pm 
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Just watched the video...they would be well-advised to settle out of court on this.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:37 pm 
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"Constitution? The powers we have since 9/11 supersede the Constitution, sir." :lol: :lol: :lol:

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:27 pm 
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The cops need to remember that the difference between starting a large bore IV and "pushing" the Ringers NOW or thoroughly completing the entire injury survey, taking B/P, etc. (all part of the normal protocol) can be the difference between life or death for an injured police officer.

Guess who gets to make that decision???

Or consider the effect of a 30 second "delay" enroute caused by a missed turn. Fatal? Could be. Culpable? Certainly NOT.

In this life, you need to be NICE to some folks.

20-year EMT, 10-year firefighter/EMT

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:30 am 
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More info from a local paper: ... LAHO217275

Video: Trooper tells his version of event
He thought the ambulance driver gave him the finger.

By MANNY GAMALLO World Staff Writer
Published: 6/2/2009 2:22 AM
Last Modified: 6/2/2009 8:58 AM

OKLAHOMA CITY — A perceived obscene finger gesture apparently sparked a May 24 confrontation and scuffle between a state trooper and paramedic in Okfuskee County.

The Oklahoma Highway Patrol on Monday released reports from two troopers involved in the incident with Creek Nation paramedics who were taking a woman to the hospital in Prague.

In his report, Trooper Daniel Martin, who is at the center of the confrontation, said he was heading west into Paden to aid the Okfuskee County Sheriff's Office on a stolen-vehicle call.

Martin said he had his emergency lights and siren on when he encountered the ambulance in front of him, which failed to yield to his cruiser.

Eventually, the ambulance pulled over, he said, and he contacted the paramedics over their EMS radio, telling them they should be more observant.

The ambulance was not running with its emergency lights or siren.

Up to this point, Martin's account mostly jibes with reports filed by paramedics Maurice White Jr. and his partner, Paul Franks, who was driving the ambulance.

However, the paramedics reported they never heard the trooper's siren.

In his report, White said Franks threw up his hands in surprise when they received the radio call from Martin, urging them to check their rear-view mirrors.

White said he thinks the trooper might have mistaken Franks' hands in the air as an obscene finger gesture.

Once on the scene of the stolen-car report in Paden, Martin
said he saw the ambulance pass and observed Franks extend his left hand out the window with his middle finger raised.

"I took the gesture as a sign of defiance to (the) failure to yield earlier, and that they (ambulance) did not believe they had a responsibility to adhere to the rules of the road in regards to my emergency vehicle," Martin said.

Seeing that the stolen-car call was under control, Martin said, he chased the ambulance until it pulled over.

Once he got out of his cruiser, he was trying to talk to Franks when he saw White get out of the ambulance and slam the "door in a hostile manner."

Martin said White kept getting between them, despite repeatedly being told by Martin to back off.

The trooper told Franks he was going to be cited for failure to yield, adding that "I did not appreciate his hand gesture."

White said the trooper bolted out of his car in a huff and yelled at Franks, "What do you mean flipping me off?"

White said he tried to explain to the trooper that they were taking a woman to the hospital and asked if they could continue the matter once they got there.

But White said the trooper would have none of it and insisted on giving Franks a ticket then.

However, Martin said White kept getting in his way, and he finally tried to arrest him for obstructing an officer. That sparked the first of two scuffles as Martin said he tried to arrest White but the paramedic threw up his arms to resist.

A number of relatives of the patient had followed the ambulance and were in the street.

Fearing possible violence, Martin said he backed away from White and then went to his cruiser to radio Trooper Bryan Iker for help.

The trooper said only when White got back into the ambulance was he able to speak with Franks. Martin said Franks assured him he did not give the trooper the finger gesture and apologized for not yielding.

The trooper then walked back to the ambulance and tried to tell White he would be arrested once he arrived at the hospital, but the paramedic was not in the ambulance with the patient.

Martin said he walked around to the passenger side of the ambulance where White was standing. White was angry, wanting to file charges against the trooper for assaulting a paramedic, he said.

Another scuffle ensued, and Martin said White grabbed him around the neck, refusing to let go.

Iker's report backs up Martin's account of the second scuffle.

Martin said he applied a choke hold on White's neck to release the grip. With White calmed down, Martin said he told the paramedics to go to the hospital and he would follow.

Martin said that if he were allowed to speak with Franks uninterrupted, the confrontation would not have happened.

As it was, Franks was ultimately given a written warning for failure to yield. White was not arrested at the hospital.

The troopers filed their information with Maxey Reilly, assistant district attorney in Okfuskee County, for possible charges. Reilly has forwarded the case to District Attorney Max Cook for review.

* NRA, UT, MADFI certified Minnesota Permit to Carry instructor, and one of 66,513 law-abiding permit holders. Read my blog.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:44 am 
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It would appear the part about the two troopers being complete assholes was left out of their report.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:57 pm 
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djeepp wrote:
It would appear the part about the two troopers being complete assholes was left out of their report.

"Ass-culpatory" evidence? :roll: :lol:

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 Post subject: Unbelievable!
PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:18 pm 
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This officer should be out of a job and never be allowed to wear a badge and uniform of Law enforcement ever again!
Oklahoma Highway Patrol finally releases video of trooper
Update June 14: I've just published part 3 of this story, which includes a 17-minute interview with paramedic Maurice White.

Original story follows.

Recently I told you about a horrifying incident in which an Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper interrupted an elderly patient's hospital run and choked the paramedic on duty in the ambulance.

Fox 23 in Tulsa had had a Freedom of Information request in for the dash cam for more than two weeks. Late last night, the OHP finally stopped stonewalling and released the trooper's video dash cam.

It's not pretty. And, a warning--there is totally unacceptable language for a family setting.

Let me walk it down for you. An ambulance, with Maurice White acting as supervisor and paramedic, is taking an elderly woman, who had collapsed, to the hospital for treatment. Her worried family follows.

Trooper Daniel Martin, who was responding to a stolen car report, came up behind the ambulance on a two-lane country road. In Oklahoma, those shoulders are notoriously tricky for even a car to pull off onto. But there's another factor involved.

As the dash cam clearly shows, a car is on the right-hand shoulder, partially obstructing the highway. Just as the highway patrol pulls up behind the ambulance, the medical unit must swing out to avoid colliding with the parked car.

Let me repeat that, because it's important: if the ambulance's driver, Paul Franks, had immediately pulled over when the racing trooper came up behind him, he would have created an accident. It is impossible to safely pull over while slamming into another vehicle.

After the ambulance gets past the parked vehicle, Franks slows and safely pulls over for the trooper. As Martin zooms by--at a speed that I would call excessive for just a stolen car report--he uses the radio to reprimand the ambulance for not pulling over.

Later in the tape, it's shown that the sheriff's department is already on scene at the stolen car incident. Martin is released from any need to be at the scene.

Then he whips around, guns his car, and goes out hunting the ambulance. When he catches up with the ambulance, what happens next is a textbook case for bad judgment and abuse of power.

Before the encounter is over, Martin has assaulted the paramedic, frightened the patient, and created a neighborhood scene that is so unprofessional that it's just about unbelievable. Enraged, he calls for backup, repeatedly threatens the unit's operators, curses, chokes and slams White up against the ambulance several times--an action the patient later said rocked the unit, frightening her.

He also keeps screaming "you insulted me." The trooper later says that Franks made an obscene hand gesture as Martin passed the ambulance, a charge Franks denies.

Martin plans a press conference on Monday, according to Fox 23. Martin, who had his wife in the patrol car with him for an as-yet unknown reason, later declared that he'd recently come back from service in Iraq, a fact the OHP has not yet addressed.

Although Martin's on leave, it took awhile for the OHP to admit that, and then officials noted that the trooper had requested the paid administrative lead. It's a tangled mess that never had to happen.

As a graduate of the Bartlesville Police Department's Citizen Police Academy, I'm qualified to ride patrol with local officers, and have done so. I have seen three officers required to safely subdue and arrest a crazed, drunken multiple offender, with a track record for assaulting officers, who was in the middle of the road attacking cars while raging and cursing.

They accomplished the task without rage, profanity or violence. It's just one example of how tense and dangerous situations are handled every day, on all three shifts.

The stress on officers is immense--but I have never seen one of our officers responding to actual threats and verbal abuse like Martin responded to another emergency responder on duty. Not only that, but as a non-law enforcement professional, I've also been cursed, threatened, and insulted.

In fact, I've had drunken offenders not only call me names while enroute to jail, but also describe, clearly, the sexual services they expect from me and intend to get. I didn't lose my cool, nor did my patrol partner.

If a civilian can handle extreme duress and verbal abuse, why can't a supposedly well-trained professional officer handle an ambulance's driver choosing not to pull his unit into another vehicle while transporting a patient? What made it necessary for this trooper to hunt down the ambulance and escalate the situation into a public brawl rather than just going on?

The Oklahoma Highway Patrol has a serious problem--both with this trooper and within the agency. Their actions in stonewalling media and the public has set a bad example. Had a family member not been on hand with a cellphone camera during the episode, Martin's actions in choking White would have been undocumented as they were out of range of the camera. Not only that, but the backup trooper turned off his dash cam, accrding to earlier reports.

My original story and the family's cellphone video are here. The newly-released dash cam video follows below. ... -paramedic

The only downfall to a 1911A1, is actually a plus: You can have it your way, and can put an unreal amount of money into em'.

Squeeze trigger, BANG, repeat. Kind of boring, but I never cared for drama.

 Post subject: Re: Cops attack Paramedic
PostPosted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:22 pm 
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Merged duplicate posts together.


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