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By request: XD-M Range report.
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Author:  Cuda66 [ Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  By request: XD-M Range report.

Just got back from Bill's, (mainly to pick up the cutest little SKS I've ever seen, but that's another story), and a little range time with the XD-M. I replaced the large backstrap with the medium (the one that was originally mounted on the gun) to see if would perform better for me.

It did not. If anything, it was worse. At 7 yards, I was shooting consistently about 6" to the left of the target...165's, 180's, no difference. Grrr.

So, was it the pistol, or am I just having a bad spell of CSFS (Can't Shoot For Sh*t)? I seem to suffer from it every now and again, but it's nothing that a few hundred rounds can't fix.

I was carrying my P7M8. Unfortunately, I had neglected to pack any 9mm ammo. No problem, ran out and got a box of 9mm, emptied the carry rounds out of my spare mag, and...a little left, a little low (where I normally shoot), but all clustered within the 7 ring of a bullseye target (a couple x's as well).

Right. Well, let's empty the box.

One toasty-warm P7 later, doing a few off-hand, one-hand, failure to stops, and all of my rounds are going right where they're supposed to. So: time to switch back to the XD-M.

Left about 6". Consistently.

I did not use a bad word. I used about six or seven strung together.

Ok, perhaps the sights are off. It can't be me. It just can't.

So, I packed up my gear, and stopped by the desk to see if they had a sight pusher. I ended up having one of the guys working there (Doug, iirc) looking at the sights...and then we stepped out on the range and he gave it a try.

First shot, 10-ring. His next two, touching in the 8.

I didn't swear. Really, I didn't. Verbally.

So, it is me. Or, perhaps, just the XD-M & me.

It suggested that I run it for a while longer...I just may need to get used to it. Fair enough; I've got a few hundred rounds of .40 left; I figure it always goes to the range with me for now on...if, by the time the ammo is gone it hasn't come around for me...well, it's always nice to have trading fodder.

Author:  old guy [ Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Just move the sights, I have to do it all the time, no big deal.


Author:  Duane J [ Fri Aug 01, 2008 6:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: By request: XD-M Range report.

Cuda66 wrote:
Just got back from Bill's, (mainly to pick up the cutest little SKS I've ever seen, but that's another story), and a little range time with the XD-M. I replaced the large backstrap with the medium (the one that was originally mounted on the gun) to see if would perform better for me.

It did not. If anything, it was worse. At 7 yards, I was shooting consistently about 6" to the left of the target...165's, 180's, no difference. Grrr.

So, was it the pistol, or am I just having a bad spell of CSFS (Can't Shoot For Sh*t)? I seem to suffer from it every now and again, but it's nothing that a few hundred rounds can't fix.

I was carrying my P7M8. Unfortunately, I had neglected to pack any 9mm ammo. No problem, ran out and got a box of 9mm, emptied the carry rounds out of my spare mag, and...a little left, a little low (where I normally shoot), but all clustered within the 7 ring of a bullseye target (a couple x's as well).

Right. Well, let's empty the box.

One toasty-warm P7 later, doing a few off-hand, one-hand, failure to stops, and all of my rounds are going right where they're supposed to. So: time to switch back to the XD-M.

Left about 6". Consistently.

I did not use a bad word. I used about six or seven strung together.

Ok, perhaps the sights are off. It can't be me. It just can't.

So, I packed up my gear, and stopped by the desk to see if they had a sight pusher. I ended up having one of the guys working there (Doug, iirc) looking at the sights...and then we stepped out on the range and he gave it a try.

First shot, 10-ring. His next two, touching in the 8.

I didn't swear. Really, I didn't. Verbally.

So, it is me. Or, perhaps, just the XD-M & me.

It suggested that I run it for a while longer...I just may need to get used to it. Fair enough; I've got a few hundred rounds of .40 left; I figure it always goes to the range with me for now on...if, by the time the ammo is gone it hasn't come around for me...well, it's always nice to have trading fodder.

sounds like a grip/sight issue. not all persons will have a grip to land you where the sights are bore sighted to. what you want to watch for is consistancy and grouping.

if your groups are consistant with what you can shoot with similar firearms, you are good there.

if your groups are located in the same place on the target everytime, your good there. if not, your grip is changing (or some other fundamental issue).

you can safely adjust the sigts.

that being said. how did the groups look? any malfunctions? general trigger pull (it's said to be slightly better than the original XD)??

there are 2 primary reasons my XD is my baby.
1.) the dang thing will just take an absolute beating, no bones about it. not true of any other firearm i own.
2.) for a .45, felt recoil is amazingly light comparitably speaking. given it's weight, i'm able to place follow up shots downrange at a very fast pace (compared to me shooting my other carry weapons).

if these things don't hold true on the XDM i'm going to be a sad panda.


Author:  MNBud [ Fri Aug 01, 2008 8:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Maybe I'm reading too many gun rags,but isn't adjustable sights one of the features of the XDm? Maybe I'm getting it confused with something else.

Author:  Cuda66 [ Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, the XD-M has adjustable sights, but you need a sight pusher. From what I understand, they are tough to move. If I decide to go that route, I'll just end up getting TFO's or Trijicons...

They are different from the standard XD sights, however--they're more of a low-profile type.

The trigger...short take up, a bit spongy with a not-very-crisp break. It has what seems to me to be a very short return. It's OK, but not nearly as nice as the trigger in my Glock 34--or in any of my Glocks, for that matter.

It's been a while since I've fired a XD, so I'm afraid I can't give a good comparison between the two triggers.

Recoil is light & very controllable. I've always found .40 to be a bit of a "snappy" round, but didn't experience anything like it with the XD-M. When I did a few rapid strings, the rounds clustered very nicely in about a 3" group (6"to the left of where I was aiming, of course...).

Author:  Duane J [ Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:48 am ]
Post subject: 

it definately sounds like some sight drift will fix the aim point. groupings sound good, and recoil sounds consistant with the XD's i've fired.

the XD's do have a pretty odd feeling trigger, for some reason i've grown to like it though, lol.

get that sight drifted, or if your replacing get the new one's lined up "you". that should take care of matters.

thanks for posting up your results!!


Author:  Selurcspi [ Fri Aug 01, 2008 12:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

Before you move the sights, it might be wise to have a "Very Experienced" shooter test it, I don't know your experience level, but what you describe could be you are pushing the gun with your trigger finger. A common problem for the less experienced shooters whan changing platform.

Author:  jem375 [ Thu Oct 02, 2008 9:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

I had the same problem with the G26 I used to have... it turned out to be my trigger jerk more than anything... squeeze the trigger and see what happens...... damn, didn't see the dates on this post or would not have even bothered..........

Author:  Q_Continuum [ Sun Nov 16, 2008 6:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Put on a properly-sighted laser, and dry-fire it to watch the dot jump. Should allow you to identify if you are in fact pulling the gun sideways at all. Could do it at the range too, have someone spot for you so you can focus on your shooting.

Speaking of, I need to straighten my laser out, it's a little off >.<

Author:  Cuda66 [ Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Q_Continuum wrote:
Put on a properly-sighted laser, and dry-fire it to watch the dot jump. Should allow you to identify if you are in fact pulling the gun sideways at all. Could do it at the range too, have someone spot for you so you can focus on your shooting.

Speaking of, I need to straighten my laser out, it's a little off >.<

Well, I got rid of the XD-M a bit over a month ago...but if I have similar problems with something else, I'll definitely keep that in mind.

Author:  bulletboy [ Sun Dec 21, 2008 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  No XDM problems here

My XDM works flawlesly and haven't had a need to adjust anything overtime. I have found the only problem is the shooter.

I did a couple test on mine a few months back. The only problem I have had was reloading error with <a href="">squib loads during a torture test</a>. :oops:

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