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Author:  gooseman [ Tue Mar 11, 2008 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  40vs45

I am looking at getting either an xd 40 or xd 45 i have shot both i am much more accurate with the 40 but. I am still torn on which is the better caliber. I did notice with the 40 i had less muzzle raise than witht he 45 i think this was why i was more accurate. Does this make sense or am i just crazy?? haha
Thanks for your input

Author:  mostlylawabidingcitizen [ Tue Mar 11, 2008 8:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

In Best Ronald Regan voice... "Well..."

Is this going to be a carry gun mostly or are you looking to shoot some competition? If shooting competition which ones are you interested in? This may dictate the caliber - for example 'Heavy Metal' classification in 3 gun comps at Deltone in St. Cloud. or IPSIC will direct your choice.

If you basically shoot on a regular or infrequent basis where you don't go though much ammo, then consider that you can purchase just under 1.5 boxes of 40 cal ammo for the cost of 45 ammo.

I carry a 40, but have looked real hard at 45's.

tough decision


Author:  gooseman [ Tue Mar 11, 2008 8:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

It is going to be my carry i will definitly shoot on the weekends alot though so your point about price is very valid. Now also i am also wandering about a 5" model or 4" model. I currently conceal a s&w 4" n frame 357 and am looking for something more comfortable to conceal.

Author:  zimme71 [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 5:52 am ]
Post subject: 

I carry (daily) the XD40 Sub-Compact 3". It's an easy carry, easy to conceal, either at the 6 o'clock, or even 3 o'clock IWB. I shopped around quite a bit before purchasing my XD40, and ended up being able to find it for under $400 new. I personally highly recommend the .40, but that's just me. :)

Author:  joelr [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:08 am ]
Post subject: 

I think both rounds are just fine, probably. That said, there's lots more autopsies involving .45 wounds, and while the Great Big Slow Bullet theory being right doesn't exclude other theories, it's still, well, right.

Author:  gooseman [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:50 am ]
Post subject: 

How does that sub compact shoot compared to the service model? That is the only xd 40 i shot. I shot the xd sub compact 9 and did not like the grip at all way to small for my had and after about 50 rounds with the recoil broke my thumb open. On top of my thumb where the curve of the grip rested on it. So i don't think i would go with sub compact because the measurements are the same has anyone shot a xd tactical or doe any one conceal a 5 inc 1911? Is it a pain to conceal i always like longer barrels must be a hunting thing or somthing.
Thanks Guys

Author:  JoeH [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:31 am ]
Post subject: 

If you are looking for a carry gun that is also a recreational shooter, I'd go with the 4" service model.

Most shooters find the sub-compacts too small for recreational shooting (light weight, short sight radius, shorter grip, more felt recoil and barrel rise, etc). Most shooters also find the 5" guns too big for daily carry.

The 4" is a good compromise in a gun that you want to do a lot of things well.

As for your main, original question, you say that you prefer the .40 S&W. STOP right there. That's what you should get.

It seems like you are thinking "maybe I need the .45 because that's what has the best stopping power."

I'd forget that notion. The .40, using good SD ammo, is no slouch.

It's a lot easier to buy several guns (and you may) to cover your various needs. Until then, a 4" .40 is a great all-round performer.

Author:  ree [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:37 am ]
Post subject: 

One more consideration, not exactly designed to make the decision easier, is that the .45 comes in a compact model (either 4" or 5"). These give you a slightly longer grip than the subcompact that's not as long as a service model grip which is harder to conceal.

Author:  gooseman [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 1:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

sorry about the double post i must have hit new topic instead of reply my bad. I tried to remove it but it is locked out.
[Fixed - PLB]

Author:  Mattxd [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  I like both

I have xd's in 40 & 45 I started with the 40 first since the 45 wasn't out my 5" is great for punching paper and I have always carried it hiking. I’ve collected a few rattles in the badlands. I feel I conceal the subcompact better but most people are blind to full size service pistols. I‘ve recently picked up a 4” 45 and it shoots great and I just had to have a 45. For self defense rounds I carry Hydra-shok the 40 carries more energy but you can't discount the fear factor of a 45, just like racking a shell in 870 (joking)
40 S&W Muzzle 25yd 50yd
velocity 1140 1080 1030
energy 445 400 365
45ACP Muzzle 25yd 50yd
velocity 890 870 860
energy 405 390 375

Author:  gooseman [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

Alright i know this is gonna cause some debate but here it goes. So what is better for stopping a physical human being is it the big hole or is it the amount of energy at witch the round hits. I wander about which number is better the more velocity the more the bullet deforms but the greater energy it hits with the slower moving heavier round has better penetration. But which is more desirable for actully stopping someone. You know provided they aren't on some chemical that no matter what you shoot at them it is not going to stop them unless you got that fully auto shotty. That thing is sweet.

Author:  mnglocker [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think the it has been stated that pills in the Flavor of .357 125gr, .40 155gr & .45 230gr seem to be VERY GOOD at what they're intended to do.

The part that matters most is what you shoot well with, if you can't hit crap with a 45, all the lead in the world isn't going to help you. And don't be fooled by the big numbers meaning more recoil, I find .45 much more pleasant ot shoot all day than .40

Author:  mostlylawabidingcitizen [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wow! a second use for this link! In less then 2 weeks!


Author:  jaysong [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

mostlylawabidingcitizen wrote:
Wow! a second use for this link! In less then 2 weeks!


Ok Mostly,
When is your MR .50 cal Desert Eagle supposed to be in at your FFL's shop? :P

Great link. I missed your first posting. :D

Author:  JGalt [ Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

To directly answer your original question:

1. You asked "which is the better caliber" - the simple answer, assuming by "better" you mean which will do a better job of stopping the threat, is that the "better caliber" is the caliber that you can most accurately, reliably, & consistently deliver on target.

2. You stated that you are "much more accurate with the 40", therefore...

The right answer, for you, so long as #2 above remains true, is that the 40 is the "better caliber".

Now, this could change over time as you try other guns that may allow you to shoot a 45 or some other caliber even more accurately than you currently shoot the XD40. So while you have your answer for now, don't be one of those guys that thinks that "your" caliber is the "only worthwhile" &/or effective caliber. In the end, with pretty much any handgun you will actually consider carrying, shot placement is king. Period.

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