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TV pranks and guns...
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Author:  Ronin069 [ Fri Mar 27, 2009 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  TV pranks and guns...

Something I occasionally wonder about...suppose "they" are filming one of those Scare Tactics or Punked type shows and they play the joke of a bank robbery/mugging/ax-murderer on a permit holder.

Would the producers be liable for the likely death/mayhem? Saw a Scare Tactics episode the other day where the producers and "friend" jumped in because instead of running from the ax-wielding person who was attacking his girl friend the guy lunged and attacked instead...imagine if he was carrying...

Same thing when NBC runs one of those "What would you do" character specials and watches people's reactions as some guy beats up his girlfriend.

Author:  1911fan [ Fri Mar 27, 2009 11:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't know, but I do know one nationally known gun writer who very nearly killed a couple of actors during a scene from the old "streets of San Francisco" TV series. He was in a cafe, walked out into the middle of a chase scene with "gun fire" and did not see the camera car rolling by, He had some famous character actor dead to rights in his sights when some one yelled "CUT" and he realized how close he had come to drilling the guy.

Author:  Macx [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 8:56 am ]
Post subject: 

This thought crossed my mind. I don't usually go in for that kind of show, but caught a minute and thought "woah, it'd suck for someone to die over that."

Oh, it was punked and I guess Fez from That 70's has a nice truck, they towwed it and replaced it with a truck that looked just like it and when Fez came out there was a dude tearing it up with like a bat and a sledge hammer and at one point he started towards the actors with the instrument in a menacing way . . . yeah I know, the truck is a truck. . . but the moment the actor was comming at the "victims" with a raised instrument of GBH or death a justified shoot could have gone down.

Author:  bensdad [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:57 am ]
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I would hope that the victims are sufficiently vetted. If they're not, they should be.

Author:  realtor_packing_heat [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:37 am ]
Post subject: 

I can't remember where I saw it but it was a news report about teenagers dressed in ski masks staging fake kidnappings in public. This has really made me think, what would I do?

In this scenario you have no director to call cut, no camera and crew to be able to identify the situation.

I think I would draw and order them to stop.

What would you guys do?

Author:  macphisto [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 10:42 am ]
Post subject: 

realtor_packing_heat wrote:
What would you guys do?

I would be a good witness and, likely, nothing more.

Author:  Andrew Rothman [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:36 am ]
Post subject: 

There's a reason they film this crap in LA.

Author:  Binky .357 [ Sat Mar 28, 2009 6:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

Circumstances like this are what Darwin was talking about.

If you brandish an implement of harm towards me or mine in any threatening way and I don't know you, you aren't that bright. If you continue to make me fear GBH or Death after my firearm makes an appearence- well, at a certain point, the phrase "Too stupid to live" comes to mind.

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