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Who donates to their politician????
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Author:  cobb [ Mon Jan 16, 2006 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Who donates to their politician????

Just curious as to how many know that they can donate $50 to $100 to the politician of their choice and get it all back except for the cost of 2 envelopes and 2 stamps?
The first time I did this, it was $100 to Senator Pat Pariseau, and now I give $100 every year to my Representative Tony Cornish.
Ask you favorite politician about this. You send them up to $50 if you are a single person, and up to $100 if you are married. They will send you the paperwork, you fill it out, and send it in to the supplied state address. I don't remember how long it takes, but maybe a month or so later you will get a check from the state that is equal to what you donated, which for me is $100.
I cannot see an easier way to help keep you favorite politician in office fighting for the things that you think are important, what ever that may be.
8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Author:  IDPA Shooter [ Mon Jan 16, 2006 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Very true about the donations, they are powerful

What amazed me is the access it gives you. I called my guy, Tom Emmer and he gets right on the phone. Hi Bob , we talk and its BTW, thank you for the donation, it was sincerely appreciated and I thank you for your support, yada yada.

Let's see, good memory or a little database on contributors? I'd have one if I was him and the same holds for my senator. Bob, sorry I missed you earlier but want you know I'll help push the MPPA through again in 2005, etc. Surprised him once when I called about highways, I do have other interests.

Author:  mostlylawabidingcitizen [ Mon Jan 16, 2006 7:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Database alright, then the National Republicans and State Republican parties start calling you looking for more. You become 'Tagged' as a 'Giver'! And the CALLS NEVER STOP... :P :P :P

Really it is a good program! You can also use it to support your local BPOU if yours is as underfunded as ours was - they REALLY appreicate the funds - Last year I believe our BPOU's treasureur had to write a personal check to cover the meeting at the county level (memory escaping me now) - I gave the $100 to the BPOU and had a check back from that state in about 6 weeks.

Note that the candidate has to abide by the campaine spending limits to qualify.

Take care


Author:  reaver3 [ Mon Jan 16, 2006 11:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

On the state level, I donate to my representative, Tim Wilkin.

He was very pro-MPPA, and is an all around nice guy. I talked with him on other things even before MPPA, and I appreciate a representative that shares the same values and positions as myself. Always calls back, even before I started donating to him. I get the impression that if he was anti-MPPA, he would at least be honest with me and have genuine reasons to oppose, which I can respect.

My senator, Mike McGinn, in my opinion is a snake. I have on videotape the floor session when the first MPPA passed, when his vote light was on "no" until about 5 seconds before the voting ended, and he then changed his vote to "yes", in my opinion because the law passed with or without him, and he didn't want to deal with the rest of his party about voting no. The next week I was reading the free community paper (sun current or this week, can't remember which one) where he was quoted talking to some senior group and saying he tried to vote no, but something was wrong with his button.

That lying jackass won't see a dime of my money.

Author:  cobb [ Tue Jan 17, 2006 7:01 am ]
Post subject: 

I guess I am kind of surprised at the number of people that I know that were not aware of this program of donation and reimbursement.

I am just try to make as many people as possible aware of this so that it can be taken advantage off. I am also giving a short couple sentence presentation to a local group this week to make more people aware of this program.

So if your thing is gun rights, range protection, conservation programs, or what ever, this is a way to support your favorite politician in his or hers election and in turn support the programs that you champion.

Author:  phorvick [ Tue Jan 17, 2006 8:41 am ]
Post subject: 

I sent my $100 to Sen the forms and receipt back almost immediately. It is a great way to support legislative "friends" at no direct cost to the donor.

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